Patsy Zeigler and Thorsten Eisingerich
March 12, 2019 will mark the 285th anniversary (1734) of the landing of 37 protestant families in Savannah GA following their expulsion from Salzburg by Prince-Archbishop Firmian: The Salzburgers, who finally settled 25 miles upstream in New Ebenezer GA, thus constitute the oldest Austrian community on American soil.
In anticipation of this important anniversary, the Director of the Embassy's Press and Informations Service, Thorsten Eisingerich, visited the Georgia Salzburger Museum and the neighboring Salzburger‘s Lutheran Church in New Ebenezer (the oldest standing structure in Georgia!) for a late night viewing on Sunday February 25th, thanks to Museum Curator Patsy Zeigler.
Thorsten Eisingerich with his daugher Thara and his wife Kulwadee at the Lutheran Church in New Ebenezer.
Learn more about the Georgia Salzburgers’ history and how they are keeping their traditions intact: