U.S. Secretary of Labor Martin Walsh (left) welcomes Federal Minister Martin Kocher in Washington, DC on October 19, 2021. (c) BKA/Dragan Tatic
As part of the initiative ReFocus Austria, Federal Labor Minister Martin Kocher paid a visit to Washington, DC from October 17-19, 2021. During the visit, Federal Minister Kocher met with his U.S. counterpart Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh, high ranking representatives of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and The World Bank, as well as leading members of the Government of the State of Maryland. This was the first official visit of an Austrian cabinet minister to the U.S. since the beginning of the pandemic and Federal Minister Kocher was the first foreign visitor at the government level received by Secretary Walsh.
The discussions with Labor Secretary Walsh as well as with a high-level panel of experts at the U.S. Department of Labor focused on an exchange of views on the revitalization of the labor market, innovative methods for job placement as well as on post-pandemic economic policy measures. The topic of dual education was also discussed, with the U.S. side showing great interest in signing a bilateral Memorandum of Understanding with Austria.
"The labor market in the U.S. is a very dynamic one," told Federal Minister Kocher to Austrian media before his visit with Secretary Walsh. He added that he has come to Washington to learn more about the central mechanisms and support programs of labor market policy of the U.S., since a well-functioning placement service prevents long-term unemployment from arising in the first place. "For us, this is about identifying aspects that work well for us, but of course not about copying the U.S. labor market system."
During his visit, Federal Minister Kocher also traveled to Annapolis, where he met with Maryland Lt. Governor Boyd Rutherford, Maryland Secretary of Labor Tiffany Robinson and Secretary of State John C. Wobensmith, as well as with to exchange views on post-pandemic challenges on the labor market and best-practices in job placement strategies.
Federal Minister Kocher also exchanged views with Gita Gopinath, the Chief Economist of the International Monetary Fund, IMF Europe Director Alfred Kammer, as well as with Axel van Trotsenburg, World Bank Managing Director of Operations. The discussions focused on as the recovery of the global economy after the pandemic, the impact on global labor markets, and active labor market policies.
Federal Minister Kocher concluded his visit with a working dinner with Austrian executives and entrepreneurs in the U.S., who shared their views on the post-pandemic economic development in the U.S.

Photo credit: (c) BKA / Dragan Tatic