Results of Austrian Parliamentary Election 2017

On October 15, 2017, parliamentary elections were held in Austria. The final result, released by the Interior Ministry on October 31, 2017, tallied a turnout of 80.0 percent of the 6,400,998 eligible voters.

Austrian Parliament (c) Parlamentsdirektion / Peter Korrak

Austrian Parliament (c) Parlamentsdirektion / Peter Korrak

Here is how Austrians voted:
At stake were 183 seats in the Nationalrat (National Council). Please note that parties with less than 4 percent vote share do not get seats in the Austrian parliament. 

  • Sebastian Kurz's List – the new Austrian People’s Party: 31.5 percent, 62 seats
  • The Social Democratic Party of Austria: 26.9 percent, 52 seats
  • Freedom Party of Austria: 26.0 percent, 51 seats
  • NEOS – The New Austria together with Irmgard Griss, Citizens for Freedom and Responsibility: 5.3 percent, 10 seats
  • Peter Pilz’s List: 4.4 percent, 8 seats

Sebastian Kurz Tasked With Forming New Government

On October 20, 2017, Austria's head of state, Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen, formally invited Foreign Minister and leader of the new Austrian People’s Party, Sebastian Kurz, to form a new government.