Austrian Entrepreneurs

“Go Silicon Valley”

“Go Silicon Valley”

The Austrian bridge to the IT center of the world

"Go Silicon Valley" is an international trade initiative by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (http:// and the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (http://www. It offers selected Austrian SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) an opportunity to access the epicenter of IT innovation in Silicon Valley and its abundant sources of partnerships and risk capital. 

Innovation and Entrepreneurship - The Austrian Economist Joseph A. Schumpeter

Innovation and Entrepreneurship - The Austrian Economist Joseph A. Schumpeter

"Surely, nothing can be more plain or even more trite common sense than the proposition that innovation [...] is at the center of practically all the phenomena, difficulties, and problems of economic life in capitalist society." So wrote the economist Joseph Schumpeter, who is often called the "father of entrepreneurship" or the "father of creative destruction," about innovation as outlined in his book "Business Cycles: Theoretical, Historical, and Statistical Analysis of the Capitalist Process" which was first published in 1939. Innovation held a key role in Schumpeter's thinking which, again in his own words, "is the outstanding fact in the economic history of capitalist society."