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Call for Projects - Intercultural Achievement Award 2020

We are looking for successful and solution-oriented intercultural dialogue projects in the fields of Art/Culture, Youth, Human Rights and Global Citizenship Education.

Background Information

The Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs has defined the “Dialogue of Cultures” to be a clear priority in International Policy. Thereby, Austria builds upon a long tradition in the field of intercultural dialogue that is deeply rooted in a history of diversity and pluralism and has been strengthened through multi- and bilateral dialogue initiatives.

Since 2007, the Task Force “Dialogue of Cultures” supports partner organisations with the implementation of intercultural and interreligious projects and designs, finances and implements initiatives itself. With these projects, the Task Force takes up priorities set by the Federal Minister for European and International Affairs and the Federal Government.

Intercultural dialogue should be understood both as content and as method. On the one hand, intercultural dialogue serves to better master the challenges of a pluralist society; on the other hand, dialogue needs to be better understood, applied and used for addressing public concerns.

The Intercultural Achievement Award (IAA) was launched in 2014 as a key project of the intercultural dialogue. It aims at identifying and awarding innovative and solution-oriented projects in the field of intercultural dialogue both within Austria as well as on a global scale.


Dialogue is a multifaceted concept. Thematic priorities according to the Austrian strategic focus facilitate compatibility of the submitted projects. Therefore, the intercultural projects applying for the IAA must be active in at least one of the following areas:

  • Art/Culture

  • Youth

  • Human Rights

  • Global Citizenship Education

  • Integration


The IAA is awarded to the best project in each category:

  • Category Sustainability: “Best ongoing project”

  • Category Recent Events: “Best project related to a current event”

  • Category Innovation: “Most innovative intercultural project”

  • Category Media: “Best media contribution for intercultural understanding”

  • Special prize "Integration in Austria": (applications only possible from projects based and active in Austria)

Specific criteria and questionnaires are defined and prepared for each prize category. The Sustainability category contains higher demanding criteria and can therefore be considered as the main prize. The prize money will be staggered in accordance with sustainability criteria. The highest prize money is available for ongoing projects and is meant to promote the continuation of successful projects.

In view of the global COVID19-crisis 2020, special projects dedicated to coping with restriction and consequences of this crisis will be eligible for the award in all categories. However, special emphasis shouldbe given to the aspect of people of different background living together and countering prejudice and fear.

Eligibility criteria

Organisations and/or persons whose projects mainly focus on intercultural dialogue and contribute to its success are eligible to apply.

Projects that have already met these criteria in 2019 and continue to meet them may be submitted again.

The specific eligibility criteria per prize category are summarised as follows:

Category Sustainability: “Best practice project”

  • Projects that are managed and implemented by non-profit organisations (including non-government organisations as well as associations, foundations, charitable educational institutions or religious organisations) and/or commercial organisations. Government, science, research or international institutions are excluded from admission.

  • The project’s activities must focus on a minimum of one of the following areas: Art/Culture, Youth, Human Rights, Global Citizenship Education and Integration.

  • The organisation must be in operation for at least 2 years.

  • The project must be running for at least 1 year already. This criterion not only ensures the viability of the project idea but also allows for the measurement of impact.

  • The project cycle should be set at a minimum of 2, preferably 5 years.

Category Recent Events: “Best project with reference to current issues”

  • Projects that are managed and implemented by non-profit organisations (including non-government organisations as well as associations, foundations, charitable educational institutions or religious organisations), individuals and/or private entities. Government, science, research or international institutions are excluded from admission.

  • The project’s activities must focus on a minimum of one of the following areas: Art/Culture, Youth, Human Rights / Gender, Global Citizenship Education and Integration.

  • The project must have been implemented between 2018 and 2020 and may also consist of a successful single action in the field of intercultural dialogue. This prize category is aimed at projects that have reacted to current events or developments and have contributed to intercultural understanding, also on an occasional basis.

Category Innovation: “Most innovative intercultural project”

  • Projects that are managed and implemented by non-profit organisations (including non-government organisations as well as associations, foundations, charitable educational institutions or religious organisations), individuals and/or commercial organisations. Government, science, research or international institutions are excluded from admission.

  • The project’s activities must focus on a minimum of one of the following areas: Art/Culture, Youth, Human Rights, Global Citizenship Education and Integration. The project should be characterized by an innovative methodical or creative approach within the dialogue of cultures.

Category Media: “Best media contribution for intercultural understanding”

  • Submitted contributions can encompass all classic media (i. e. print, TV, radio etc.) and social media. Submitted contributions must have verifiably and visibly impacted the public sphere in a positive way.

  • The contribution must have verifiably achieved a wide impact for the intercultural dialogue.

  • Complete journalistic, media works or dialogue platforms focusing on raising awareness, understanding and peaceful coexistence are also encouraged to apply for the IAA.

  • Only contributions published after January 01 January 2019 will be accepted for further consideration. The dialogue platform must have been operative for at least 1 year.

  • Submitted contributions must have been published in non-state classic or social media.

Special prize "Integration in Austria"

  • Projects that are managed and implemented by non-profit organisations (including non-government organisations as well as associations, foundations, charitable educational institutions or religious organisations), individuals and/or private entities. Government, science, research or international institutions are excluded from admission.

  • Applications only possible from projects based and active in Austria.

  • The project must address the topic of integration as defined in the National Action Plan and at least one of the following areas of activity: Media/Journalism, Art/Culture, Youth, Women and Global Citizenship Education.

  • The organisation must be in operation for at least 2 years.

  • The project must be running for at least 1 year already. This criterion not only ensures the viability of the project idea, but also allows for the measurement of impact.

During an initial selection process the Task Force and the Austrian representation offices abroad will check applications against the above criteria. Only applications that fulfil these criteria will be considered in the final phase.

Selection and Award Presentation

The representation offices will receive the eligible submissions and pick the two best projects in each category for pre-selection. Relevance and success of the projects will be determined taking into account the specificities of each country. They will also thoroughly review the assessment of the criteria for the Sustainability category.

An independent jury in Vienna consisting of experts in the field of intercultural dialogue will undertake the final selection among finalists. There will be one winner per category.

  • Category Sustainability: prize money amounting to EUR 10.000, ‒.

  • Category Recent Events: prize money amounting to EUR 5.000, ‒.

  • Category Innovation: prize money amounting to EUR 5.000, ‒.

  • Category Media: prize money amounting to EUR 5.000, ‒.

  • Special prize "Integration in Austria": (applications only possible from projects based and active in Austria)

The award ceremony is scheduled to take place in autumn 2020. The awardees will be invited to attend the ceremony.

Assessment Criteria

In order to ensure a comprehensive assessment of projects based on clearly defined criteria, the following guidelines will be used in the process:


A detailed online application form with guiding questions can be found here. Questions must be answered in either English, French or German in a clear and precise manner (clarity), be structured (detail and focus) and should convince the reader of the project purpose and objectives (persuasiveness). All questions must be answered in order to be considered.
Pre-selected applicants will be asked to provide additional information. Depending on the requirements of the respective category this might be a copy of a valid business/operational license, an up-to-date business plan, project report and possibly an evaluation report.

Projects – Categories Sustainability, Recent Events, Innovation, Media, Special Prize Integration

  • Does the project respond to the needs of the beneficiaries on the ground and is appropriate in the local context of operation? (relevance, all categories)

  • Is/was the target group clearly defined and accessible for the project activities? (impact, all categories)

  • Have objectives, activities and results been clearly defined? (clarity, all categories)

  • Are objectives, activities and results measured and evaluated regularly? (evaluation, sustainability)

  • Is the project innovative and introduces new concepts and methods, encourages creative thinking, applies solution-oriented approaches, and passes these on to beneficiaries? (innovation, methods, creativity)

  • Is the concept of the project applicable to other contexts and therefore able to be implemented by different organisations? (transferability, sustainability)

  • Did/does the project reach its objectives; is there proof of its impact? (success, all categories)

Additional assessment criteria ‒ Category Sustainability:

  • Does the organisation have the necessary structures and competencies in place to successfully implement and manage the project, both content-wise and financially? (structure)

  • Are sufficient financial resources available within the organisation in order to ensure the implementation and wrapping-up of the project? (budget)

  • Does the organisation have relevant experience in the field of intercultural dialogue and exchange? (experience)

  • Are the principles of respect, equality and diversity visible in the structure of the organisation as well as in the implementation of activities with both partners and the target groups? (equality)

  • Are regular financial audits or evaluations of the organisation and its projects conducted? (transparency)

These criteria represent optional conditions solely for the Sustainability category: “Best ongoing project”. They positively influence the quality, and therefore the assessment of applications.

For more information about the Task Force “Dialogue of Cultures“ and its work, please visit us at:

Send your application per e-mail to


15 June 2020 (for the categories Sustainability, Recent Events, Innovation and Media)
30 June 2020 (special prize "Integration in Austria")

Application Forms:

For application forms and guiding questions, please click here