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Discussing Migration and Border Security

The Deputy Chief of Mission of the Austrian Embassy Christian Brunmayr participated in the European Horizons Spring Forum 2016 at the German Marshall Fund of the United States in Washington, D.C. Together with Caroline Vicini, deputy head of the EU Delegation, Marie Lecerf of the European Parliamentay Research Service, and Tony Silberfeld of the Bertelsmann Foundation, he discussed a paper on migration and border security by Nev Koker, PhD candidate in political theory, and a certificate student in Women’s Studies at the University of Michigan.

Brunmayr acknowledged the close tie between migration and security, urging for a European approach: 

„The issue of migration is one of the most pressing challenges in Europe. I am glad that Austria was able to contribute to substantially reduce the flow of refugees through the Western Balkan route. Now, we have to work together to find a European solution to this European problem and further secure the external borders, strengthen our commitment in the region, and overall find a political solution in Syria.”

About European Horizons
(Source: European Horizons)

European Horizons is a US-based, non-partisan think-tank devoted to exploring the meaning of European identity, modernizing and reforming the concept of the social market economy, advancing the cause of European integration, and deepening transatlantic relations.  To this end, European Horizons has established a network of students, professors, and European decision-makers, with links to academia, politics, civil society, and business.  Together, we will engage in a constructive dialogue that will propound a platform of ideas for reforming the European Union and setting a policy vision for its future.  

European Horizons convenes an annual European Student Conference at Yale University, hosts a Fall Policy Convention, publishes research and policy papers through its academic journal, The Review of European and Transatlantic Affairs, and maintains chapters across universities in the United States and Europe.  

Relying on our creativity, international experience, and diversity, we aim to build a more confident and prosperous Union.